Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Yoga for Meditation

Hi everyone welcomes to yoga with Elightenment

I'm David Smith back there and today we have an awesome Mindfulness Meditation for the classroom so we're gonna use some simple but powerful mindful breathing techniques to find what feels good let's get started.

Yoga Near Me. begin today seated you can sit in a chair or on the ground or if you really want to you can even do this meditation standing so come into a position where you can get really tall in the spin imagine your spine is one nice long. Piece of string or a light rope and it's lighting up with energy as you sit or stand nice and tall now I'm ready for this meditation. are you ready you said yes and I hope you are too we're gonna start this together by closing our eyes just for one second and if closing our eyes is scary or makes you feel nervous no worries just take your gaze and look down past your nose and if you're feeling silly or anything like that I totally understand because I'm a super silly person but see if you can give yourself just one big breath to focus down past your nose or close your eyes and focus inward and bring your attention to your breath so the breath is an amazing power tool for changing how you feel so if your day isn't going great or say you're having a tough morning or even at nighttime when you're maybe having trouble going to bed or falling asleep relaxing you can use your breath as a tool to change the way you feel and take it from me it works it' super powerful so hopefully, by now you've noticed your breath and just kind of brought some awareness to how you're breathing whatever that means to you and in an effort to bring a sense of inner peace and calm inner calm we're gonna take five slow breaths in and out together? let's go inhale breathe in imagine your breath is going down into your belly and your bellies inflating like a big balloon exhale breathe out through the nose or mouth it's okay to make sound here for more big inhale-exhale three more see.  if you can make your breaths bigger more full inhale exhale inhale you're doing great slow it down breathe out and one more just like that nice and slow big inhale and exhale empty it all out breathe out breathe out breathe out awesome stand or sit a little taller imagine you're really reaching the crown of your head the tippy tip topmost point of your head all the way towards the sky beautiful then slowly bring one hand to your belly and one hand to your heart inhale and exhale four more inhale and exhale inhale and exhale inhale and empty it out inhale and exhale at the end of your exhale let your fingertips come down t rest gently on your lap or at your side and just notice how those slow deep breaths made you feel then nice and easy take the head and you're just gonna gently knot it side to side as if you were shaking the head no awesome then bring it back to Center and we're gonna shake the head or nod the head yes awesome then bring it back to stillness see if you can align your head over your heart and your heart right over your hips and we're going to take one final breath the deepest the breath you've taken all day and after this breath, you're gonna have this fresh opportunity to feel a different way to maybe see the good in yourself and in others and just see the good in the day so here we go are you ready Benji are you ready alright let's do it the deepest breath you've taken in all day here you go big to inhale and big exhale let everything go awesome work notice how you feel and carry it with you on into the rest of your day thanks for sharing this time for Meditation with me. 

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