Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Is free online yoga for beginners The Most Trending Thing Now?

Hey everyone and welcome to yoga with Elightenment I am Corey and I'm super excited because today we have a sequence for the complete beginner. So if you're a yoga or you've been curious about Yoga for Weight loss and all its wonderful beautiful benefits this is a great sequence for you don't need any blocks you don't need any blankets all. If you have a mat that's a great but otherwise open mind open heart let's get. Okay, my friends and my new friends, we're going to begin in a cross-legged position. 

We call this Sukhasana or the easy pose the pose of ease takes a second here to check in with the breath by maybe looping the shoulders a couple of times. forward up and back inhale looping forward exhale grounding down and back just finding a little organic movement here and then maybe checking in with the neck by just maybe moving one ear over one shoulder and then we'll go forward chin to chest shaking the head yes  no okay coming back to Center. We’ll bring the head over the heart over the pelvis so take a second to maybe close your eyes or soften the gaze so you can just go inward a little bit here as we find alignment head over heart over the pelvis. we lift the sternum lift the chest and then again ground down through the elbows here on the exhale find a nice space between the ears and the shoulders we just kind of come into the moment with a little integrity whatever that means to you for me it means body awareness mind noticing where my thoughts are and coming back to that body awareness and then see if you can begin to deepen your breath here nice long inhale in and a nice long juicy exhale out keep that going nice long inhalation and a nice long extended exhale outdraw your palms together at the heart take a deep breath in each time we come here this is a great little beginners tip each time we come to this mudra we call it Anjali mudra you can think about lifting your sternum or your heart up to your chest so often when we get a little bit tired and we will in our practice we can have this little reminder to loop the shoulders and lift the sternum to the thumbs each time we come to this hands at the heart or this prayer position in Anjali mudra so practice that now inhales lift your sternum up to your thumbs draw your lower belly or a navel in to meet your spine so again we're just coming into this active body but with a sense of ease this is gonna be a wonderful tool for beginning yoga classes.

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